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We know that it is essential that new corporate initiatives take the lead in conducting environmentally sustainable and ethically responsible businesses. In a nation as wounded as ours in recent years, we need examples of ethics and of seeking the common good without questionable motives behind it.

With this, we not only want to generate clean energy for Brazil and the world, but also create a more integral, ethical, fair society in which respect for others is increasingly prevalent. To meet these objectives, since 2019, our company has formally taken on the challenge of implementing an IntegrityProgram and certificates with ISO 37001, an international seal of anti-bribery management system.

Therefore, Aurora Energia has ISO 37001, a Manual of Conduct to serve as a guide for each of our employees, partners, customers, and suppliers. We also have a Whistleblowing Channel, accessible on our website, where anyone can report — including anonymously — ethical deviations which we will have the duty to ascertain and give the appropriate referrals, under the responsibility of an outsourced compliance officer, to prevent ties to any investigation.
We are the first company in the industry to obtain ISO 37001 anti-bribery certification.


Anonymous Reporting Channel